Individual assignment - 6 answers

Write the number of the question in te boxes - otherwise it makes it easier for me to read!
After working with this in class you must be able to answer the questions below.

Remember to fill in all boxes.


Your name:  
Your email-address - That way you will recieve a copy:  
To be sent to: 

1. What is a White Liberal?

2. Why does Biko not want White Liberals to fight for Black rights?

3. What is according to Biko the difference between a White Liberal and a Black person 
- besides the color of their skin?

4. Define Black Consciousness

 5. What is the purpose of Black Consciousness - according to Biko?

6. Biko has been accused of being a rascist. Do you agree? Why/why not?

 6 . Comment on the level of difficulty, and/or write your opinion on the questions.
     If you have better or other ideas than the above I would like to know.